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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Antivirus Firm Pays Up To Avoid Being Barred From Selling In The US

Last summer we noted that a seller of anti-virus appliances was on the verge of being completely barred from selling in the US for infringing on a patent held by Trend Micro for server-based anti-virus software. It seemed a bit odd that server-based anti-virus software could be patented -- but that's what happened. Of course, with the risk of having its US sales blocked out, Fortinet has decided to settle the lawsuit. The terms aren't stated, but you can assume that Fortinet had to pay some sum to Trend Micro just to keep selling its product in the US. Considering just how obvious the "invention" is, it hardly seems likely that Fortinet needed Trend Micro's info to create its appliances -- but now it has to pay up just to keep selling. That doesn't seem like promoting innovation at all.


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