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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Google Lets Chinese Government Censor Results

While Google seems to have no problem standing up to the US government, it's decided to back down for the Chinese. In an effort to gain a bit more traction in China, Google has apparently agreed to launch a new version in China that censors results the government doesn't like. This isn't all that surprising, as plenty of others have done the same (or worse) in order to do business in China -- but it is a bit disappointing. Google has had its share of troubles in China, ever since the government first decided to completely block out the search engine more than three years ago. However, with Google battling both Yahoo and Baidu in China, apparently it felt it needed to go this route to make things work. Of course, it's a bit amusing to realize that many considered Baidu's advantage in China that it let people download music. So, apparently the trick to success in the Chinese search market is to block political stuff, but allow free music downloads.


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