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Thursday, March 16, 2006

People Think Talking From The Toilet Is A Bunch Of Crap

Americans still have some way to go to catch the Germans, but apparently nearly 4 out of 10 people think it's okay to talk on a cell phone in the bathroom. While that may seem like a lot, it's actually down from 62% in 2003, the last time the company did this survey. Surprising as well is that 11% of people thought it was okay to talk on the phone in a movie theater in 2000, but just 2% find the behavior acceptable today. You'd almost expect people to become more forgiving about when and where people use their phones as they become more pervasive, but of the five places covered in the survey, only phone use in the supermarket has become more acceptable since 2000. Of course, one final question doesn't seem to have been included on the survey, asking people which places they don't think it's okay to talk on the phone, but do it anyway.


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