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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

When Mobile Phones (Could, Maybe If It Benefits Us) Maim

A stunning new piece of research from the UK says that 78% of mobile phone users aged 16-24 "reported backache, neckache and headaches". What's stunning aren't the results, after all, everybody gets headaches once in a while, but rather the way the survey's being used. Apparently some unnamed experts say all that can be caused by "holding your mobile phone between your ear and neck while trying to do other tasks simultaneously". Did we mention the research was sponsored by a company that makes hands-free headsets? Notice they don't say the people who answered the survey didn't say that holding their phone in such a way caused them problems, they just tacked that expert bit on in the next sentence of their press release to try and indicate some causality that they probably never even tested. Biased surveys are nothing new, but this one really is scraping the bottom of the barrel. It's even got the requisite quote from a company manager saying how everything would be okay, if just every young person in Britain would buy one of their headsets. Bet they'd still get the occasional headache, though.


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