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Saturday, January 28, 2006

Los Angeles Says Misleading Sex Scenes Are Bad... In A Video Game

It's been about six months since the ridiculous posturing by a bunch of politicians about how horrible Take Two's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas was because it had a hidden sex scene in the video game. As we noted at the time, all of these politicians seemed positively horrified that there was a consensual sex scene available in a game where the main goals involve all sorts of criminal activity involving carjacking, murder and drugs. All that criminal activity? Well, that's fine entertainment. However, throw in a consensual sex scene that requires the player to download a modification before they can reach it... and it's like the world is going to end. Now, the city of Los Angeles, of all places, has decided to sue Take Two Interactive for misleading statements about the game. Like many Hollywood movies these days, the irony is way too over the top. Since when is Los Angeles concerned about a bit of "misleading" to build up to a sex scene? We thought that was about all that came out of LA (after scenes of carjacking and murder). Update: The Reuters version of this article includes a few more details, including this whopper: "The city also claims that Take-Two "marketed the 'Grand Theft Auto' series in a fashion that encourages the creation of (software modifications), which has added to the counter-culture image of the games, enhancing their popularity and hence their profitability." Who knew that encouraging tinkering was illegal?


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