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Saturday, January 28, 2006

Satellite Radio Latest Target Of Biased Surveys

Standing right next to astroturfing in the corporate PR shenanigans lineup is the good old biased survey. A brother of the biased report, it follows a similar MO: identify an issue that could make (or cost) you some money, craft a survey, then word the results to make it look like people support your position. Satellite radio is the latest target, with a new survey saying that 86 percent of people aren't likely to buy satellite radio because of Howard Stern's move to it from terrestrial radio. Orbitcast points out who conducted the survey: a company that makes its money from broadcast radio stations. Little surprise, then, that it's going to want to downplay the threat of satellite radio. Of course, look at the flip side of their stats: 82 percent of people said they're not likely to purchase equipment and pay a monthly fee to listen to satellite radio. That means that 18 percent, or about 50 million Americans are, apparently -- a number that would suit XM and Sirius just fine. See how fun and easy it is to manipulate surveys and statistics?


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