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Thursday, March 16, 2006

Quick, I Need Some WiFi To Take My Medicine

The latest attempt at improving modern medicine is apparently an implanted microchip that can be controlled wirelessly from outside the body to release medicine into someone's bloodstream. The system is supposedly more advanced that other internal drug delivery systems, in that it can be controlled from outside the body using some form of wireless connection. The idea is that the system could better monitor what's actually going on inside the body, and releases doses accordingly, rather than the slightly less scientific method of "take two of these, and call me in the morning." Of course, the opening of the article discusses the wireless connection on the device, but it's not entirely clear from the rest of the article what it does or how it works. Still, if there were fears a few years ago that hackers could hack your pacemaker, just imagine what they could do if they could control what medicines were released in your body.


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