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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Recording Industry's Own Study Shows File Sharing Not A Big Deal

There have been plenty of academic studies over the years that have suggested that file sharing (a) doesn't hurt the music industry, and may help it and (b) the reason music sales are down often has nothing to do with file sharing. However, every time this evidence is presented, the recording industry ignores it, and trots out its own, often questionable, studies instead. Well, now the Canadian equivalent of the RIAA has done one of their own studies -- but released the details very quietly. Perhaps that's because the study pretty much disproves much of what the recording industry keeps claiming. It shows that those who download music from file sharing services are the people who tend to buy the most music. It also shows that teenagers (who we're told repeatedly never buy CDs) are actually the biggest purchasers of music CDs. It shows that those who don't buy much music don't do so because it's freely available -- but because there are other things they can do with their money, they find it to be too expensive, or they just feel they have enough music already. In other words, the study supports what many, many people have been telling the recording industry for ages. So, will the recording industry wake up and admit any of this -- even when it's their own study? Of course not. It pretty much boggles the mind to realize that the industry has a study that shows their own strategy is hurting their market, and they refuse to believe it. That takes a special kind of business cluelessness.


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